Information Books

    The narrator excitedly shares information about the new FNAF game, including characters, locations, and gameplay details.
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  • Roblox Adopt Me Guide: Table of Contents.
    This is the Table of Contents for the series of books I'll be doing on this topic. If we get this book to 500 likes on the first 30 days, I"ll be doing a giveaway!
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    This book provides information about the life of pandas, including their habitat, diet, life cycle, and fun facts.
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  • Information about Anger
    An informative book explaining what anger is, how to recognize it, reasons for anger, and strategies to calm down.
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  • The Green Sea Turtle
    This book provides information about the life cycle, habitat, diet, and conservation of green sea turtles.
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  • ABC's of dinosaurs and the information
    An informative alphabet book that introduces various dinosaur species, their characteristics, and where their fossils were found.
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  • How to Find Something in World Wide Web?
    Roobte, a librarian for the World Wide Web, explains his job and how he helps people find information. He uses an example of searching for why robots never smile.
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  • The History of Warren
    the history of Warren, CT. Fourth grade students of Mrs. Woodington's class created this StoryJumper rich with information!
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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