Insanity Books

  • The smiling man
    A lonely man in a rural town goes insane and becomes a tormentor, finding happiness in terrorizing others.
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  • Greek Root Words
    A list of biology-related words and their meanings, with some examples and sentences.
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  • whisperers of the hollow.
    Mara, a young mycologist, discovers a sinister fungus in The Hallow that spreads madness. As whispers invade minds, she must confront the source to save humanity from insanit…
  • A conversation between characters from Shakespeare's Hamlet, discussing Hamlet's behavior and plans to send him to England.
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  • 29 Classmates from the First and Last Years
    Chase reflects on his two years of school, expressing gratitude to his friends and teacher, and sharing his mixed emotions about the end of the year.
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  • Amira, the girl who made a difference
    Amira, an aboriginal girl, saves a spirit bear and learns about deforestation. She leads a protest to save the trees.
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  • Our Story of Nationalism: Volume 2
    A boy named Jerry traveling through time to learn about American Nationalsim
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  • Ever After High
    Comment down below who your fav eah character is...
    Mine is Rosebella
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