Insurance Books

  • How Curusoe Manages His Finances
    Crusoe, a responsible dog, saves money for a new dog house, works as a police dog, maintains physical well-being, and makes good financial decisions.
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  • Insurance
    Goose explains different types of insurance to Duck, including auto, life, homeowners, renters, health, and disability insurance.
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  • Civil Rights Project
    The story discusses the natural hair movement among black people, highlighting instances of discrimination and progress in policies. It emphasizes the importance of embracing…
  • A Lesson from the Garden
    Poor Mr. Weed is being bullied by all of the beautiful flowers in the garden. Mr. Weed is shy and doesn't look the same as the rest of his roommates in the garden. He …
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  • Mind Blowing Shower Thoughts
    A collection of random and humorous shower thoughts, with some grammar and spelling errors.
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  • What happens if...?
    Jimmy learns about different types of insurance and how they can protect his family from accidents and financial loss.
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  • A story about a car accident involving several people and the resulting damages, injuries, and insurance coverage.
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    A glossary of insurance terms covering general, auto, health, life, and property insurance.
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