Interdependence Books

  • The Thirteen Colonies
    A brief overview of the thirteen colonies, their characteristics, social life, religion, education, and interdependence.
  • ABC's of living and non-living things
    An informative book introducing basic concepts about living and non-living things, their characteristics, and interdependence.
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  • Interdependence
    The story explains the concept of interdependence, giving examples from nature and human society.
  • I'M the Top of the Food Chain
    This book slowly unfolds the energy transfer of a food chain as the reader journeys through the ecosystem.
  • 13 Colonies
    A brief overview of the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern Colonies, their geography, resources, religion, education, and interdependence.
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  • Thirteen Coloines Story Jumper
    This story provides an overview of the three colonial regions in America and their specialization, climate, and other characteristics.
  • the thirteen colonies
    Add a description for this i will be talking about the thirteen colonies
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  • The Story of Ecology
    A detailed exploration of the life cycle and ecological importance of a tree, from seed to decomposition.
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