Introspection Books

  • Forget It...
    heyy guys!!^^ like and comment for more!! i might come out with a gacha life book!! comment if you wan't me to!!
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  • Poems i made that really mean something!
    A collection of introspective and thought-provoking quotes by Jaliah Humphrey, exploring themes of fear, self-reflection, empathy, and the passage of time.
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  • 10 Original Haikus
    A collection of haikus that explore themes of love, nature, and introspection.
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  • about myself
    An 11-year-old introverted girl shares her interests, family, and love for fantasy and magic.
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  • Poetry
    A collection of various types of poems, each with a unique theme and style. The poems touch on topics such as beauty standards, self-respect, personal identity, judgment, hop…
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  • Anne Frank - Diary (Selected Quotations)
    A collection of introspective thoughts and reflections on beauty, friendship, self-criticism, and emotions.
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  • Mad World
    This was created for my junior English class and it is my poem anthology, Hope you enjoy it. It is a peak into my life and what it was like.
  • Emily Dickinson: The Icon of American Poetry
    A brief biography of Emily Dickinson, highlighting her introverted nature and impact on American poetry. Includes excerpts from her famous poems and a personal poem inspired …
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