Inuit Books

  • Life as an Inuit Child
    A young Inuit child describes their daily life, including school, chores, hunting, and living in igloos. They wonder how children from other tribes live.
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  • The Inuits
    This book provides an overview of the daily life, food, art and architecture, and religion of the Inuit people in the Arctic.
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  • My Precious Flower
    I hope you enjoyed this book. I cant wait to make another one.
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    A half-human, half-bird man creates pea plants and interacts with a man who emerged from one. He then creates animals, a woman, and they have children.
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    A brief description of the Arctic, its climate, animals, and people.
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  • the inuit
    Aujij, a young Inuit girl, describes her life in the Frozen North, including fishing, building snow structures, and cultural traditions.
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  • Inuits in Alaska
    A husky teaches about the Inuit people, their clothing, homes, food, transportation, and random facts.
  • Akiak's Polar Quest
    Akiak and Miki go on an adventure, learning about Inuit hunting, sled dogs, arctic animals, the Northern Lights, and igloos.
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