Inventor Books

  • African American Inventors.... A-Z
    This book highlights contributions from African American inventors A through Z.
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  • Mary the Lamb and the Fly Away Kite
    Mary the Lamb has an adventure when she gets blown away on a kite and meets an inventor who helps her return home.
  • Cassidy Goldstein: Kid Inventor
    At just 11 years old, Cassidy Goldstein invents a simple and affordable crayon holder that helps people with hand problems or inexperience. Her invention allows everyone to b…
  • Lets Kick it with African American history A-N
    An alphabetical list of African American inventors and historical figures, with brief descriptions of their achievements.
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  • Thomas Edison
    The story follows the life of Thomas Edison, from his birth in Ohio to his inventions and family life.
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  • Garrett Morgan
    This is the story of Garrett Augustus Morgan, an African American inventor who created the gas mask and traffic light.
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    A brief introduction to six inventors and their inventions that had a significant impact on American history.
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  • My Inventor
    Telephone Dan tells the story of Alexander Graham Bell, his inventions, and his contributions to society.
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