Investment Banking Books

    This informative text provides a detailed overview of the business field, with a specific focus on the role of an investment banker. It covers job duties, required skills, pe…
  • Appearance Bias in the Workplace
    Bob and Steve apply for the same job in investment banking, facing bias based on looks. Bob confronts the employer about unfairness, leading to both getting hired and working…
  • Story Jumper About Me
    A young boy talks about his family, hobbies, pets, future plans, and school experiences.
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  • The New Deal
    A brief overview of the New Deal and its various programs, their goals, and impact on the economy and society.
  • ABC's of The New Deal
    An alphabetical list of terms related to the New Deal and the Great Depression, providing brief explanations for each term.
  • Bank
    An informational book about banks, their types, functions, and importance. It also provides tips on choosing a bank.
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  • Constituents of Depository System
    The story provides information about various financial institutions and their roles in the investment market.
  • J.P. Morgan & banking firms
    The story of J.P. Morgan, a prominent figure in the finance industry, his upbringing, career, and impact on the world.
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