Irish Books

  • The Legend Of The Rainbow
    A story about leprechauns, rainbows, and pots of gold, with some conflicting beliefs and warnings about the magical creatures.
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  • The Mysterious Case of Ginger Twins
    When red-haired twins are born into a dark-haired Irish family, their relatives are puzzled. They discover an old photo that solves the mystery.
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  • Irish Immigration
    Brianna Cadwell, an Irish immigrant, shares her journey from Ireland to America during the potato famine and how her family settled in New York.
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  • Dog breeds
    This is an informative book about different breeds of dogs, providing details about their height, lifespan, color, and other interesting facts. It also includes a matching ga…
  • The Long Vowels
    This book explores only the long vowel sounds at the beginning of words. Of course, "Y" is the exception.
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  • Irish Potato Famine
    A detailed overview of the Irish potato famine, including its causes, effects, and impact on other countries.
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  • Pat the Irish Immigrant
    Patrick, an Irish immigrant, shares his journey to America during the Potato Famine. He faces challenges but finds hope and opportunity in the United States.
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  • Early Irish Life
    A family's journey from potato farming in Ireland to seeking a new life in New York, facing hardships and fighting for rights, ultimately achieving the American Dream through…
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