Ironclads Books

  • Clash of the Ironclads
    During the Civil War, the Confederacy built an ironclad warship called the Virginia. The Union responded with their own ironclad, the Monitor. The two ships clashed in a hist…
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  • Ironclads
    During the Civil War, the Confederacy and Union built ironclad warships. The Virginia and Monitor battled in Hampton Roads, with the Monitor forcing the Virginia to retreat.
  • The Ironclads
    The story recounts the clash between the Confederate ironclad, Virginia, and the Union ironclad, Monitor, during the American Civil War.
  • Clash of the Ironclads
    The Clash of the Ironclads tells the story of the battle between the Confederate ironclad Virginia and the Union ironclad Monitor during the American Civil War.
  • Billie's Adventure
    Billie and her talking dog, Alaska, learn about the Civil War, Morse code, railroads, and ironclads during a visit to a museum.
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  • ABC's of the Civil War and Reconstruction
    This is an informative piece that uses the alphabet to discuss key events, figures, and concepts related to the American Civil War. Each letter corresponds to a different top…
  • Ten Inventions Of The Civil War
    A brief overview of ten inventions from the Civil War, including telegraphs, aerial reconnaissance, railroads, and more.
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  • Civil War
    The story provides a detailed account of the American Civil War, focusing on key figures such as Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee. It also discusses the successes and failu…
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