Japanese History Books

  • Lil History: East Asia
    A brief overview of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Chinese culture, and Japanese history, with some inaccuracies and grammar errors.
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  • The History Of Anime
    An informative book about the history, production, popularity, and attractions related to Anime in Japan.
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  • Japanese Anime is the best
    A child's love for Japanese anime and how it has impacted their life, from entertainment to education and friendship.
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  • Japanese Gardens
    Yuna, the owner of a Japanese garden, shares its history, culture, and popular plants and flowers.
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  • Communism In China
    The story follows the political history of China, from Sun Yixian's presidency to the rise of communism. It includes conflicts with warlords, the Kuomintang, and the Japanese.
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  • Japanese for starters
    An informative guide about the Japanese language, its history, dialects, and foreign influences.
  • Giant Movie Monsters: Godzilla
    This book provides a brief history of Godzilla, the famous movie monster, from its creation in 1954 to its continued popularity today.
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  • Japan
    This was a fun book to write. In this book you will find facts and history about Japan. Hope you enjoy!
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