Jelly Beans Books

    Officer Lawrence is a member of New Eden's police force. When his partner calls in sick one day, Lawrence is joined by an unlikely passenger. Jelly Bean is a squirrel who has…
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  • The Jelly Bean
    The adventure of Anthony, the jelly bean! See how a jelly bean manages to be the saviour of the entire world!
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  • Timmy's Jelly Beans
    Timmy's excitement over jelly beans leads to a city-wide sickness, but his mom helps him redeem himself.
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  • The Lonely Jelly Bean
    A lonely jelly bean living under a mushroom befriends another jelly bean and hopes for more friends.
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  • the magic jelly bean
    about a girl who gets a good life and has fun
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  • Master Detective: The Spider's Web
    This is a book about a detective nameed James Cornachi and he trries to find the spider that is stealing a old lady's valuables
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  • The Jelly Bean Book
    A chapter book about different flavors of jelly beans and their combinations.
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  • Hello Colors, Colors, Colors!
    A colorful and repetitive book that introduces different colors and objects to young readers.
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