John Adams Books

  • John Adams
    This is a brief biography of John Adams, from his childhood to his presidency, highlighting his education, political career, and role as a Founding Father.
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  • John Adams
    The story follows the life of John, a boy growing up in the English colonies. Despite his father's expectations, John decides to study law instead of becoming a minister.
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  • John Adams: His Life Adventure
    The story follows the life of John, from his 7th birthday to becoming the second President of the United States and his eventual death.
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  • The Mystery of The Missing Pie
    On Thanksgiving eve, Mom and Molly cook while Adam and John play. They discover the missing pie and Molly proves Adam lied.
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  • The Founding Fathers
    This book has been written by Erica Rong. It is all about The Founding Fathers of the United States and their vision for America. I hope you enjoy!
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    The life and accomplishments of George Washington, from his birth to his presidency and retirement.
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  • American Revolution ABC's
    A brief overview of key people, events, and concepts related to the American Revolution, presented in alphabetical order.
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  • Individuals of a New Republic Book
    A brief overview of the presidencies of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, James Madison, and Andrew Jackson.
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