John Calvin Books

  • The Reformation
    An overview of the Reformation, its key figures, and its impact on Western civilization.
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  • Protestant Reformation
    A brief overview of the Protestant Reformation and its impact on Europe, focusing on key figures and events.
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  • Reformation
    This book provides a brief overview of the causes and key figures of the Reformation, including John Calvin, Martin Luther, and King Henry VIII.
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  • Reformation
    This story provides an overview of the causes and key figures of the Reformation, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, and King Henry VIII.
  • reformation
    A brief overview of the events and key figures of the Protestant Reformation, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII.
  • The Protestant Reformation
    The story of Martin Luther and John Calvin challenging the Catholic Church in Europe during the Reformation.
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  • Reformation
    The story discusses the causes of the Reformation and profiles key figures such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII.
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    A brief overview of the causes and key figures of the Reformation, with some interesting facts.
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