Jordan Books

  • The Worst Day Ever
    Jordan, a bird, and Remy, a rabbit, are best friends. Remy smokes and Jordan tries it but regrets it after Remy dies of lung cancer.
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  • I Am Michael Jordan
    The biography of Michael Jordan, from his childhood to his successful basketball career and beyond.
    Eye Icon 1971
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  • Michael Jordan
    The story of Michael Jordan, from his early life to his basketball career and achievements.
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  • Our Lego Adventures
    This is an anthology of LEGO Campers original stories! You'll enjoy each one and their awesome scenes!
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  • The New Jordans
    Tommy, a first-grader, wants to fit in by buying new shoes. Unable to get money from his family, he works hard and earns enough to buy the shoes. In the end, he learns to be …
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  • Jordan wants a special bike for his birthday. He gets it but struggles to ride it. With determination and practice, he eventually succeeds.
    by newb
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  • Music can change the world! Music is love!
    Music brings people together. This story explores the cultural and historical significance of music in Romania, Jordan, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Portugal.
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