Journaling Books

  • Monday Morning Reflective Journal
    The narrator journals about taking their dog for jogs and walks on a bike trail during quarantine, describing the scenery and Sonny's reactions to it.
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  • Creature
    A woman starts journaling her daily life at the suggestion of her husband, Josh. She begins to notice a strange creature lurking around her neighborhood and becomes increasin…
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  • Journaling for Joy
    Emily, a busy girl, learns to manage her stress through journaling with her mom's support. She discovers its benefits and recommends it to others.
  • Science in my Backyard
    A group of children explore their backyard, observing various animals and recording their findings in a journal.
    David, a passionate language learner, sets goals to learn Japanese. He visits Japan, enrolls in a course, meets locals, and keeps a journal. After 8 months, he becomes fluent…
  • A Page A Day Keeps the Tears Away!
    Two friends, Alex and the narrator, discuss using a journal to express their feelings and improve their mood.
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  • EL105 Survival Book
    A guidebook for improving literacy skills, including writing techniques, citation methods, and creative journaling.
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  • The narrator explains why they didn't write a journal entry for the week, discussing the overwhelming school activities and their nihilistic perspective on the relevance of j…
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