Juice Bar Books

  • Help Me!!!!
    Vihaan and his friend discuss the impact of plastic on the environment and decide to go to a zero-waste juice bar.
  • Be careful what you wish for
    Molly wishes to be an adult, but when her wish comes true, she realizes the challenges and misses being a child.
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  • Sugar Bugs In My Smile
    A rhyming story that explains why we need to brush and floss our teeth every day to keep the 'sugar bugs' away.
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  • The Amazing Alabama Animals
    A collection of stories teaching children about self-control, honesty, patience, and confidence. Each story features an animal character learning a valuable lesson.
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  • ABC Recipes
    This is a collection of recipes, each starting with a different letter of the alphabet. The recipes range from Apple Pie to Ziti Bake, including various cuisines and dishes.
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  • Little Rosebuds make new friends! Our recipe e-book!
    A collection of recipes for pancakes, cupcakes, crepes, salad, and a birthday cake. Each recipe lists the ingredients and provides simple instructions.
  • Friendship Yarn
    Mia and Amber, enemies tied by Friendship Yarn, face challenges and learn to understand each other, eventually becoming best friends.
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  • Happy Juice
    Freddy loves his 'happy juice' but it gets banned. He and his friends find a way to make and drink it secretly, leading to protests and eventually the ban being lifted.
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