Jump Rope Books

  • Learning About Autism Through Kids
    This short story is about a little boy befriending a classmate with Autism. This books encourages kindness, acceptance and awareness.
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  • Alligators Can't Jump Rope
    Alec, a creature with a tail, struggles to jump rope. He meets Henrietta, a hippo, who helps him embrace his uniqueness and stand up to his classmates.
    Talia goes on a fun trip to the park with her aunts and cousin. They swing, slide, play in the sand, eat, relax, jump rope, play hopscotch, sing, and say ABC's.
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  • Jimmy the Jump Rope Kid
    This book is about a kid named Jimmy who loves to jump rope! Go on his short adventure while he jump ropes!
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  • Learning to Jump Rope
    On her first day of kindergarten, Hannah feels nervous but excited. After struggling with jump rope, she practices with her mom and learns the joy of trying new things.
  • Unplugged
    "Unplugged" is a book about a bear family that is not paying attention to their littlest member because everyone is too busy with their favorite technology. Discover what ha…
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  • How to jump rope.
    A guide on how to jump rope, including tricks, fun facts, tips, and a glossary. Written by a 7-year-old girl who loves jump roping.
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  • A Journey through time GAMES
    A child asks their mom about her favorite childhood games, including hide and seek, hopscotch, jump rope, and dominoes.
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