Karma Yoga Books

  • The Sad Clown
    Mr. Clown, a once popular entertainer, loses his audience to a new clown, Mr. Brown. After learning about karma yoga, sadaqah, and the Odù Ifá from Hinduism, Islam, and Yorub…
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  • Frank's Battle
    Frank, a talented tennis player, learns about mindfulness, forgiveness, and karma yoga from different religions, which helps him improve his game and relationships.
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  • Riya's Adventure
    Riya, a curious girl, meets Guruji Shyam in the forest. He teaches her about Dharma, Zakat, and Karma Yoga from Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism. Riya applies these teachings to…
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  • Changing David
    David is a bad boy who gets rejected by a girl he likes. He must change is poor behavior for her to like him too. Will he be able to do it?
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  • Jamal's Learning
    Jamal, a former bully, learns about Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity from new friends at his new school. He changes his ways and befriends his old victim.
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  • The World's Religion Storybook Project
    Kids at a house party learn about Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam from their friends' parents. They discuss the beliefs, holy texts, and practices of each religion.
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  • The World's Religion Storybook Project
    Amy visits her friend Debbie's house where they learn about different religions from various adults. They discuss Christianity, Hinduism, and the Yoruba religion, each with t…
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  • The Adventures of Ira
    The story of a young girl from the US who turns her life around twice using religion practices from around the globe.
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