Kayaking Books

  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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    A boy named Gerald, born with one arm, overcomes his disability and enjoys kayaking with the help of his friend Timmy.
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  • Jerry's Fishing Trip Gone Wrong
    Jerry goes fishing but faces a series of mishaps, including losing his lure, flipping his kayak, and losing his fishing rods. Frustrated, he gives up on fishing and decides t…
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  • My Life So Far
    A personal narrative about a teacher's journey to becoming an educator and their love for reading and kayaking.
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  • My Hero
    A child recounts a day spent kayaking with their father, who is their hero.
  • A Book of Poems
    A collection of three short poems about kayaking, winter, and rain. Written by Emma Palm.
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  • Mangrove park story
    Muzna and her brother Khaled visit Mangrove Park in Abu Dhabi with their dad. They learn about mangroves, see water creatures, and go kayaking.
  • ABC's of Beach Days
    A fun and descriptive alphabet book about a day at the beach, with each letter representing an activity or item. The story lacks clear organization and transitions.
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