Kente Books

  • The Golden Kente
    Olivia and her friends embark on a culture project about African art and music, discovering the history of kente cloth and Nollywood films.
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  • The Kente cloth boy
    Igie goes on an adventure in the forest, gets swallowed by a snake, and completes challenges to find a legendary cloth.
    A girl named Kente discovers a magical cloth and goes on an adventure with her dog. They find a carpet and name it Kente Cloth.
  • The Kente Cloth Movie
    Diego, a struggling movie director, faces the threat of being fired unless he makes a successful film. After much effort and inspiration, he creates a movie about the Kente c…
  • Kente Cloth and the Ashanti People of Ghana
    An informative book about the history, production, and symbolism of the Kente cloth, a traditional fabric from West Africa.
    This story provides information about the Kente cloth, its origins, significance, and production process in Ghana. It also mentions its usage and alternative names.
  • Elements of African culture
    An introduction to African art, music, and cuisine, highlighting Kente cloth, kente patterns, hip hop, AfroCubism, and various African dishes.
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  • Kente Cloth
    The history, production, uses, and symbolism of Kente cloth, a traditional Ghanaian textile worn for special occasions.
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