King Midas Books

  • King Midas and the golden touch
    King Midas, a king who wished for everything he touched to turn into gold, learns the consequences of his wish and the importance of gratitude.
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  • King Midas and the Golden Touch
    King Midas, a king who loves his daughter, his rose garden, and gold, is granted a wish by Dionysus to turn everything he touches into gold. However, he soon realizes the con…
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  • King Midas' Golden Touch
    King Midas, the richest man in the world, is granted a wish by a fairy to turn everything he touches into gold. He soon realizes the consequences of his greed and learns a va…
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  • Midas and the Golden Touch
    King Midas, obsessed with gold, is granted a wish by a fairy to turn everything he touches into gold. He soon realizes the consequences and learns to appreciate what he has.
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  • King Midas and The golden Touch Part 1
    In a kingdom, King Midas wishes for everything he touches to turn into gold. However, when his daughter turns to gold, he realizes the consequences of his wish.
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  • King Midas And Golden Touch
    King Midas, a greedy king, wishes that everything he touches turns to gold. However, this wish backfires and leads to the transformation of his daughter and other things into…
  • King Midas
    King Midas receives a wish from Dionysus to turn everything he touches into gold, but soon realizes the consequences and seeks help.
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  • The Golden touch
    King Midas is granted a wish to turn everything he touches into gold, but soon realizes the consequences of his greed.
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