Kingdoms Books

  • The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors
    A story about the origins of rock paper scissors, where three kingdoms go to war over stolen resources until a sorcerer intervenes and creates the game as a tiebreaker.
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  • The Adventures of Aubree's Journey!
    Hello, just a 9 year old girl writing a book. Just wanted to say if you ever have a idea to write a story. (USE THIS WEBSITE!) and be CREATIVE...
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  • Georgia and Popcorn save the Kingdom!
    In this book, a little girl and a horse must save the kingdom from the scary MONSTER. Will they rise to the task? Find out!
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  • The Animal Kingdom
    Learn animal facts and sight words in a fun and colorful way.
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    Princess Lea, after receiving a warning from her reflection, escapes an evil queen and finds love with a prince.
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  • The Kingdom of Groo and the Legend of the Millos Treasure
    The Chronicles Of Whisper Springs is in the making ...keep an eye out ;) whisper springs ....
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  • Kensuke's Kingdom
    A young girl writes about her family's decision to live on a boat and travel the world, leaving behind her best friend Eddie.
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