Kissing Books

  • The Night Before College...
    On the night before college, a girl reflects on her childhood memories and expresses gratitude for her parents.
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  • Little Bears go to College
    This is about a mama who is scared and sad that her two babies are going off to college. No matter how old they are when they leave for college, Mama only sees them as her "b…
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  • Kno Bahdee
    Kno Bahdee sets out on a journey to meet new friends and learns she is valuable and special in the process.
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  • The Kissy Monster
    When Iyla was 3 years old, her baby sister, Freya, went to Heaven. This story was inspired by a real-life conversation shortly after Freya passed. We all needed extra love a…
    I had no idea that kissing was so enjoyable and sweet
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  • Prince Charming
    How kissing a frog foes not mean you will have a prince charming!
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  • Henry Saves the Day!
    Henry Saves the Day! is a whimsical tale about a young Prince who rescues his Kingdom from an evil pirate! There are dragons, Princesses, and happy endings in this must-read …
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