Kublai Khan Books

  • The Mighty Kublai Khan
    The story of Kublai Khan, who became the Great Khan and led the Mongol Empire to greatness through conquest, leadership, and cultural development.
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  • Explorer’s Guide to Travelling to China
    The story follows Marco Polo's journey from Italy to China and his experiences in the court of Kublai Khan.
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  • Marco Polo
    The story of Marco Polo, a merchant and explorer who traveled to China and the Far East, and his adventures and experiences there.
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    A brief overview of the Mongols, their military power, and key figures like Genghis Khan, Batu Khan, and Kublai Khan.
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  • The Mongol and Ming Empires
    A historical account of the Mongols and their impact on China, including Genghis Khan's conquests, Kublai Khan's rule, and the Ming dynasty.
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  • Medieval Adventures of Marco Polo
    The story of Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant who traveled to China and wrote about his adventures, influencing future explorers.
  • Mongol China
    This book provides an overview of Kublai Khan's rule in China, including his conquests, cultural impact, and the decline of the Mongol Empire.
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  • Medieval Adventures with Marco Polo
    This is a story of Marco Polo prepared for eTwinning project
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