Lacrosse Books

  • Lacrosse for Moms
    An informative book about the sport of lacrosse, including its history, rules, and gameplay.
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  • Lacrosse
    An introduction to the sport of lacrosse, covering gear, types of sticks, positions, and how to score a point.
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  • The History of Lacrosse
    A brief history of lacrosse, its cultural significance to Native Americans, and its development in American culture.
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  • For The Love of The Game
    A personal narrative about the author's journey through sports, starting with baseball and transitioning to lacrosse, and how it has impacted their life.
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  • The Electric Trail
    Chloe and Cameron go on a school hike, get lost, find an abandoned cabin with a magical TV, learn about co-ops, and find their way back to their group.
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  • How Ben Saved The Olympics
    11-year-old Ben Goman dreams of attending the Olympics in Tokyo. When budget cuts lead to a combined sports event, Ben's exceptional performance in multiple sports catches th…
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  • Poetry Anthology
    This anthology of poems covers a wide range of topics, from personal aspirations and experiences to historical events. The author uses various poetic devices and forms, inclu…
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  • Big Bird Balances
    A book that introduces the letter 'B' and provides examples of words starting with 'B' in various categories, such as animals, food, and objects.
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