Land Ownership Books

  • Redwood City History
    A historical account of Redwood City, from the Ohlone Indians to its present-day bustling downtown.
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  • The Bridge of Peace
    Two boys find a secret bridge connecting two towns and help resolve a conflict over land and water ownership.
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  • Bastion Point Protest
    The story follows the history of the Te Kawau tribe and their struggles with the government over land ownership.
  • Westward Expansion Exploration
    Two kids named Addie and Archie play games, read a book about history, and learn a lesson about land ownership.
  • Margaret Brent's Girl Power!
    The story of Margaret Brent, a wealthy Catholic woman who fought for women's rights and owned a large amount of land in Maryland.
    Mr. Biggums, the owner of a large piece of land, learns the importance of sharing and eventually finds happiness with his wife after encountering an alien.
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  • Ourselves, Alone
    Santa Claus and the penguins in the North Pole have a conflict over land ownership and governance.
  • Hamatreya
    A nature poem about land ownership and the connection between humans and the earth.
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