Language Diversity Books

  • Where Our Families Come From
    "Where Our Families Come From" Our ENL class Multicultural Project. Celebrating diversity of our multicultural backgrounds as we practice reading, writing, and speaking …
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  • Culture Common Swiss Social Courtesies
    An overview of Swiss culture, including its influences from neighboring countries, literature, stereotypes, and language diversity.
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  • My Super Language
    A book for young children promoting diversity through awareness about deafness and the use of sign language to communicate.
  • hello world!
    A brief exploration of the world, its inhabitants, languages, and diversity, with a personal touch.
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    A project celebrating European Day of Language, promoting language learning and cultural understanding through card exchanges, collaborative poem, songs, and other activities.
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  • From the Deep Blue Sea
    This is a story of a young island girl born and raised on the island of Saipan. I wanted to write this story in a way that will get young readers engaged on the concept of cu…
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  • World Englishes 2023
    Global Englishes explores the diverse forms of English spoken worldwide and the factors that influence its use. It discusses who speaks English, the differences between nativ…
    Introduction to the global use of English as a language, its speakers around the world, and the different varieties of English. Explores the reasons behind English becoming a…
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