Language Skills Books

  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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  • Motor and Language Skills
    The story follows Jimmy's development from birth to his second birthday, focusing on his reflexes and language skills.
    Mine, a student struggling with English, seeks help from her teacher and learns six ways to improve her language skills.
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  • Minecraft vs Roblox
    Compare everything from creativity to kid-friendliness in these two popular building games.Our advice? Given the Wild West nature of both of these games, consider sitting wi…
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  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • Dyslexia
    An informative book about dyslexia, its definition, causes, effects, and impact on individuals. It emphasizes that dyslexia is a learning disability but doesn't hinder intell…
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  • TemPlanet
    Students write an e-book about a new place where they can see their lives differently and express their opinions and feelings. They learn about environmental awareness, digit…
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  • A Tale of Two Twins
    Marcus, a new student, befriends Annabelle and her twin sister Luna, who has Rett Syndrome. Marcus learns to appreciate Luna's unique abilities and the support of their frien…
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