Law Enforcement Books

    This story provides an overview of the role and responsibilities of police officers, including their work in emergencies, crime-solving, property protection, first aid, foren…
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  • ~~~~Service Dogs~~~~
    This book talks about dogs who help people.(e.g. guide dogs)We dedicate this book to all the dogs out there who made today possible.Without them, there would be chaos everywh…
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  • Michael and the Magic Pirate Ship
    Set sail on a journey with Michael the Pirate and his magical pirate ship The Flying Dragon. Explore the galaxy and help Michael find treasure!
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  • The ABCs of Texas
    An alphabet book about Texas, covering various topics from history to nature. Each letter represents a different aspect of the state.
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  • What do You See in My Mama's Garden?
    My family's dream was to have a pollinator garden that pollinators would come to world-wide.

    The county government killed my parents' dreams of helping to take car…
  • My Great-Great Grandfather's Life
    A personal account of a family's struggle with poverty and the improvements in public health and law enforcement in Singapore.
  • From Quincy to Quinn
    Quincy, a transgender girl, faces challenges and discrimination at school but finds support from her parents, friends, and community.
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  • The Rabbit and the Fox
    A baby rabbit encounters danger in the forest and law enforcement intervenes, but the problem persists. Animals need to take action.
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