Lawsuit Books

  • Peter Griffin Stole Mrbeasts Videos
    Peter Griffin, a poor man who got kicked out of Family Guy, decides to steal and sell MrBeast's copyrighted videos on eBay. He gets sued for $1 billion and 50 years in prison.
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  • Mendez v. Westminster
    The story of the Mendez v. Westminster case, where the Mendez family fought against school segregation in California.
  • Civil Rights Project
    The story discusses the natural hair movement among black people, highlighting instances of discrimination and progress in policies. It emphasizes the importance of embracing…
  • Snowzilla
    Cami and her brother build a giant snowman, Snowzilla, but face challenges from neighbors. With community support, they relocate him, creating a new home for their creation.
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  • The Factory
    Ryan, a rabbit born with a birth defect, faces discrimination when seeking a job. With his parents' support, they win a lawsuit and start an organization to fight discriminat…
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  • Ned Wet The Bed
    Peter Parker, aka Spiderman, writes a song about his Aunt May. His friend Ned copies the song, leading to a confrontation and a lawsuit.
  • The Untold Story of Mamie Tape
    The story follows Mamie Tape, a Chinese-American girl who fought for her right to attend school in San Francisco during the late 1800s. Her family's lawsuit against the Board…
  • Island Trees School District v. Pico: A Children's Retelling
    The story is about a legal battle between students and a school board over the banning of books in public schools, ultimately resulting in a Supreme Court decision protecting…
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