Learning Disabilities Books

  • My Classmate with a Learning Disability
    Carl, a new student, befriends Philip, who is being bullied for having dyslexia. They form a strong friendship and Philip gains confidence.
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    Having a sibling, a relative, or even a friend on the spectrum, can come as a unique challenge. This book is to help younger children who may be having a tough time with appr…
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  • Learning About Autism Through Kids
    This short story is about a little boy befriending a classmate with Autism. This books encourages kindness, acceptance and awareness.
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    Kevin, a smart boy with a growth disability, befriends Max, who has a learning disability. They form an adventurous duo, but Kevin's condition eventually leads to his death.
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    A child with a learning disability overcomes challenges and learns to read and write, inspiring others to accept and respect people with disabilities.
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  • Specific Learning Disability
    This book provides information about specific learning disabilities, including types, signs, characteristics, barriers, and accommodations for students.
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  • How to Study with Disabilities
    Aaron, a student with learning disabilities, shares his experiences studying and the accommodations he receives at school.
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  • Snowball
    Cute story about a family's new puppy and his mischievous ways of avoiding a bath. Fun story-line and wonderful illustrations for all dog lovers. Story written by A'Jsha Jo…
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