Leash Books

  • The Day My Dog Ran Away
    A girl's dog, Chewy, runs away and is found by the police. She learns her lesson and vows to never let him out without a leash again.
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  • The Continued Adventures Of Hedgie A point of view story
    A hedgehog named Hedgie recounts his adventures with different families and animals, from escaping a leash to staying in a hotel. He eventually reunites with his original fam…
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  • A Guide to Training Champions
    This book is about the first steps in training your dog to become a champion. It takes you through step-by-step of how to each chapter and has pictures to help you.
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  • All About Dogs
    A book about dogs, their breeds, care, and facts. It covers topics like different breeds, supplies, vet visits, and more.
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    Have you ever wished you had a super power? Like super strength, x-ray vision, or the ability to fly. In the dog world Blood Hounds have a super power, the power to smell. To…
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  • Kricket with a K
    An imaginative series of events that lead up to a true retelling of how Makenna got her dream pet - a bearded dragon - who she named "Kricket."
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  • Biggie the Boston Terrier's
    Biggie the Boston terrier shares his tips for taking care of dogs, including going outside, having fresh water, using a leash, eating food, and playing with toys.
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  • The Adventures of Bo The Border Collie: Bo Comes Home
    This is a special story about Bo the Border Collie's adoption story!
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