Lee Resolution Books

  • The Dcclaration of Independece
    The story discusses the Lee Resolution for independence, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, and its significance in American history.
  • The Declaration of Independence
    The story recounts the events leading to the American colonies' declaration of independence from England on July 4, 1776.
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  • The New Friend
    Anna and Emily are best friends who share a rainbow teddy bear. When Emily befriends Janet, Anna feels left out and acts out in anger. After learning about karma, love thy ne…
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  • ABC's of the Civil War and Reconstruction
    This is an informative piece that uses the alphabet to discuss key events, figures, and concepts related to the American Civil War. Each letter corresponds to a different top…
  • In Loving Memory of Calvin
    Aspen, a famous author, is asked to write a memoir about his recently deceased cousin, Calvin. Despite knowing little about Calvin, Aspen learns about his cousin's interest i…
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  • Road To Revolution
    A brief overview of key events leading up to the American Revolution, including the Proclamation of 1763, Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Boston Massacre, Tea Acts, Boston Tea Par…
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  • Independence Day
    A.K.A Fourth Of July is a collection of historical facts, celebrations, and related events surrounding Independence Day in the United States and other countries.
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  • Recollection : Group Test
    A group of students in different diploma programs share their names, hobbies, resolutions, and reasons for choosing their programs.
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