Legal Process Books

  • Curious George: Arson Chronicles
    Curious George is arrested for arson and goes through the legal process, ending with a conviction.
  • Distracted Driving Project
    This informative text explains what pile-ups are, their causes, legal process, and safety tips for surviving a multiple vehicle collision.
  • Chris the Criminal And his Petty Theft
    Chris is accused of stealing a woman's purse and goes through the legal process, ultimately being convicted. After serving his time, he becomes a model citizen.
  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
    A group of bad guys commit crimes and go through the legal process, ultimately getting convicted.
  • Ellis Island
    A description of the steps in the immigration process at Ellis Island, including medical and legal inspections, separation based on location, and family reunification.
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  • U.S. Citizenship
    This informative book explains the requirements and process of becoming a U.S. citizen, as well as the responsibilities and rights that come with citizenship.
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  • This book explores the life and work of 'Weird Al' Yankovic, a comedic musician known for his song parodies. It discusses his process, legal considerations, and views on aski…
  • Reds Restraining Order
    Red and her friend Blue deal with a stalker wolf, go through the legal process, and ultimately find justice.
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