Lesbian Books

  • Becoming Your True Self By: Ashlyn Huntwork
    A collection of biographies about LGBTQ+ icons, encouraging readers to be true to themselves and providing representation.
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  • Ava's Normal Family
    Ava, a little girl with two daddies, learns to embrace her unique family and teaches others about love and acceptance.
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  • Jenny, a 10-year-old girl with two moms, learns to embrace her unique family and educate others about acceptance and love.
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  • Tying the Rainbow Knots
    The story revolves around the protagonist's reaction to the legalization of same-sex marriage. It explores their joy, the support from friends, and the prejudice faced from a…
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  • Michelle Douglas
    Michelle Douglas, a lesbian member of the Canadian Armed Forces, fights against discrimination and wins.
  • LGBTQIA??? What does it mean?
    An informative book explaining the LGBTQIA+ acronym and its meanings, promoting understanding and acceptance.
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  • 我的情緒變成彩虹了!! My emotions have turned into a rainbow!
    美美是一位樂觀的學生,她支持朋友們對於自己的性別認同,並希望社會能消除性別歧視。In order to eliminate gender discrimination.
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  • Harry the Bunny
    A bunny named Harry and his short-tailed friends face discrimination from longer-tailed animals, but find acceptance in a forest.
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