Liabilities Books

  • Exploring the Accounting Equation
    An introduction to the accounting equation and its components: assets, liabilities, and capital.
    An introduction to financial statements, balance sheets, liabilities, capital, and other accounting terms.
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  • Pros and Cons of Recess in Middle School
    Popro the Dog and Connie the Cat present the pros and cons of recess in middle school, discussing its benefits for attention, socialization, health, and communication skills,…
  • Business on Carrot Island
    The story of two business owners, Keira and Shelby, living on a socialist carrot island.
    Featuring Caleb Lowdermilk and Trey Hammer.
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  • The  Journey  Of  Abigail
    the best story i have done not from anyother story on here but is kinda like one but not really and is copywriten
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  • A children's book introduces financial statements using soccer metaphors, explaining the roles of Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flow in Strikers FC's…
  • Principles of Accounts 4th form Double Entry System
    This chapter explains the double entry system, its rules, and T-accounts. It emphasizes the importance of recording transactions on both debit and credit sides.
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  • Accounting Terms
    This book provides definitions and explanations of various financial statements and terms.
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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