Life Advice Books

  • 3 Homes, 2 Divorces & 1 Family
    Going through divorce is never easy, even if you have experienced it once before. Luckily for me, even though there are 3 homes and 2 divorces, my family loves ME very much.
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  • The wolf in my Dream
    Hey guy This is my sixth book in story jumper hope you like it
  • 5th Grade Book of Precepts
    A collection of messages from various people, including students and famous individuals, offering advice and well wishes.
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  • Anything is Possible
    A poem about life's journey, faith, self-improvement, and kindness, with a father's advice to his son.
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  • Artists Aspirations
    A collection of quotes from young artists about their inspirations, techniques, and aspirations in various art forms.
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  • Though a Type One diabetic cannot stop the onset of his or her disease, the related stigma influences outsiders to believe that diabetes is the diabetic’s fault. The negative…
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  • The Powerful Germ
    "The Powerful Germ" is a book that teaches children how to protect themselves against germs. In this book, CV the germ gives children a brief insight into germs and how to pr…
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  • ABC's of Back to School
    An alphabetical guide for students starting school, covering topics from attendance to zoo trips, with advice and information on various aspects of school life.
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