Lightsaber Books

  • The Jedi Rise
    Jedi Knight Teagan Read faces a new threat in the galaxy after becoming a Jedi Knight. He must confront Darth Vader and Kylo Ren to save Naboo.
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  • A Dragon's Wish
    Alexa and Abi go on a quest to find a dragon that grants wishes. They encounter challenges but it turns out to be a dream.
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    A ninja finds a powerful lightsaber and must fight aliens who want to use its power to destroy other worlds.
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  • Star Wars
    A brief introduction to the light side, dark side, lightsabers, movies, planets, toys, characters, and author's love for Star Wars.
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    a very brave and adventurous knight, who was very nice to two dragons, a fire dragon and a water dragon.He goes on a super cool adventure. Thanks for reading (and liking) I r…
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  • Gretel saves Hansel from the evil witch and they defeat her with lightsabers, leading to a happy ending.
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  • The Adventures of Edward
    Edward the Elf on a Shelf brings fun and mischief to the Pruitt house, but loses his powers when the children misbehave.
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  • Top Ten STUPIDEST and SADDEST Prequels deaths
    A fan's opinion on the deaths of various Star Wars characters, with commentary on their significance and impact.
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