Lily Books

  • Princess Lily's Birthday Party
    Princess Lily celebrates her 3rd birthday with her family and friends, but a mean dinosaur threatens to ruin the party. Lily's kindness saves the day.
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  • Lily's First Day
    Lily's First Day was written to bring awareness to bullying, in this book there are examples of physical bullying and how to stand up to the bully, it also shows how you shou…
    Eye Icon 2023
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  • Good Night, Lily
    My daughter who just turned 5 has written this book all by her imagination.
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  • Lily's Adventure
    Lily, a girl who loves the woods, asks her dad for permission to go alone. She gets lost but finds her way back home and decides to go with her family next time.
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    This is a story about the mystery of a Jack-o-lantern getting solved.
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  • The Princess Competition
    Lily, a poor girl from a small village enters a Princess Competition that is filled to the rim with prissy, and spoiled princesses, does Lily have what it takes to win?
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  • Blueberry Dog
    Friends come in all shapes and sizes, but Lily's best friend is blue.
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  • Lily and her Shoe
    Hi, I am Arna. I am 5 year old and graduated recently from Pre-K. I love writing stories. Hope you enjoy my books. :)
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