Limited Resource Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Finding My Voice Autism Through My Eyes
    Learn about autism through the eyes of a middle school child who lives with it day to day.
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    This informative book discusses the importance of water, water pollution, and the need for water conservation.
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  • Started From El Benque Now I'm Here!
    Rowland Cocom, a mischievous child from Belize, navigates life's challenges with limited education and resources. Despite hardships, he fulfills a childhood promise to become…
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    A guide on water conservation, providing tips and reasons why it is important to save water.
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  • My life
    Maria's life story, from her childhood in Guatemala to her experiences as a wife, mother, and teacher, and her dedication to helping children with limited resources.
  • From Mogadishu to Magnificent: The Journey of Ali
    "From Mogadishu to Magnificent: The Journey of Ali" is a heartwarming, yet compelling, realistic children's fiction that transports readers from the bustling streets of Mogad…
  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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