Littering Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Mr. Litter Stops Littering
    The environment and how important it is not to litter. This book is especially made for young children to understand.
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  • Mr.Clean's Mission To Stop Littering.
    Mr. Clean teaches students about the dangers of littering and its impact on health, inspiring them to take action and keep their country clean.
  • The Litter Bag
    Robert learns about the consequences of littering when a talking bag of chips educates him on how trash ends up in the ocean and harms animals.
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  • Tom and Jerry
    Tom, a careless cat, learns the importance of taking care of the environment with the help of Jerry, a kind mouse.
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  • Reduce waste!
    This book is about trying to tell people how much plastic waste, or any waste is causing environmental issues.
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    A description of the famous cat and mouse duo, Tom and Jerry, and their enduring popularity.
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  • litter in school
    A call to stop littering and clean the environment, focusing on the impact on happiness, school pride, and teamwork.
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