Lung Cancer Books

  • The Worst Day Ever
    Jordan, a bird, and Remy, a rabbit, are best friends. Remy smokes and Jordan tries it but regrets it after Remy dies of lung cancer.
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  • Lung Cancer
    An informational book about lung cancer, its types, symptoms, treatments, and prevention methods.
  • Look At The Stars
    Amy tells a story about Claire, an 8-year-old girl with lung cancer. Despite her illness, Claire's friends support her. She passes away before her birthday, and her parents h…
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  • Lung Cancer
    A brief overview of lung cancer, its symptoms, treatment options, and prevention methods.
  • Lung Cancer and YOU
    Bobby's dad battles cancer with the help of a superhero pill. Bobby learns about the dangers of smoking and the importance of early detection.
  • Inside The Respiratory System
    Doc Neuron takes readers on an exciting journey through the Respiratory System, using a fun narrative involving characters from Guardians of the Galaxy. The book explains the…
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  • Blaze's Story
    A cautionary tale about the devastating effects of smoking, as told by the narrator who lost their brother to lung cancer.
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  • Infectious vs. Non- infectious Disease and Ex
    The story provides information about diseases, the immune system, pneumonia, and lung cancer.
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