Macaws Books

  • Scarlet Macaws
    An introduction to the scarlet macaw, including its appearance, habitat, and communication.
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  • The King and Macaw Parrots
    A king receives two parrots as a gift, but one refuses to fly. After trying various methods, a farmer helps the parrot by cutting its branch.
  • The 40th Bday of a Macaw: Berry
    Berry, a macaw, feels unimportant on her 40th birthday. She encounters friends who celebrate their birthdays differently. In the end, Berry's family surprises her with a cele…
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  • The World of Color A to Z
    A colorful alphabet book that explores different colors and objects associated with them, encouraging readers to appreciate the beauty of the world.
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    A brief overview of the Scarlet Macaw, its habitat, diet, threats, conservation efforts, and fun facts.
  • The Wonders of the Rainforest
    Short book that contain random facts about the rain forest and fun facts about the plants and animals that live there.
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  • The Rainforest
    A comprehensive guide to the rainforest ecosystem, including its components, food chains, threats, and ways to help. Includes a glossary and works cited.
  • How Macaws get its colored Feather
    A group of Macaws in a rainforest run out of water and food, but a fairy helps them learn a lesson and restore the forest.
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