Madrid Books

  • Pastimes of Spain
    This book introduces various cultural and outdoor pastimes in Spain, including flamenco dance, bullfighting, soccer, mountain activities, and coastal leisure. It also highlig…
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  • Top 20 soccer players in the world
    A list of famous soccer players and their career details, including clubs they played for and nationalities.
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  • My Favorite Soccer players
    This text provides brief profiles of various famous football players, including Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Ronaldinho. Each profile includes the player's date of bi…
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  • Cristiano Ronaldo
    The story provides a brief biography of Cristiano Ronaldo, including his early life, career, and achievements in football.
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    Luisa and Aina travel to Madrid to visit their friend Marta, but encounter a strange girl at her apartment. They eventually find Marta at the library and decide to have fun t…
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