Manatees Books

  • Manatees
    An informative book about manatees, covering their diet, habitat, behavior, population, and threats they face.
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  • A Manatee's Winter
    Molly the manatee and her calf, Mason, migrate to Apollo Beach for warmer waters during winter, encountering new friends and enjoying their time there.
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  • Saving our Earth: An A to Z Guide
    An informative book that takes readers through an A-Z guide of environmental issues, from Air Pollution to Zoos. Each letter represents a different topic, providing facts and…
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  • west Indian manatees
    An informative book about manatees, their habitat, diet, and the challenges they face. The author shares personal opinions and encourages readers to form their own.
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  • Captain Coo's Journey to Health Island
    Captain Coo travels to Health Island, helping animals with various medical conditions. He educates readers on symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
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  • ANIMALS A to Z
    An alphabet book that introduces various animals and facts about them, from alligators to zebras.
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  • manatees
    A description of manatees and their habitat, including their size, diet, reproduction, and conservation efforts.
  • The Amazon Animals
    Maria explores the Amazon rainforest, encountering toucans, frogs, insects, piranhas, manatees, and macaws. She learns about their characteristics and conservation status.
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