Marching Band Books

  • Logic Project
    A story about how a marching band prepares for a state competition by practicing music, marching, and adding visuals.
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  • Musical Instrument Families
    The story explores different ways to make music, including playing various instruments and singing in a choir or marching band.
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  • Macy's Pre-Parade Nerves
    Macy, the drum major of her marching band, worries about their upcoming parade. Through observing her band's practices, she gains confidence in their abilities and leads them…
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  • Marching Band Failure
    A student reflects on their experience in the school band, specifically their struggles with marching but the valuable lessons they learned.
  • Snowzilla
    Cami and her brother build a giant snowman, Snowzilla, but face challenges from neighbors. With community support, they relocate him, creating a new home for their creation.
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  • My Most Memorable Times of Highschool
    A story about the experiences and benefits of joining a marching band in high school.
  • Seeing the Band
    A description of a marching band, its instruments, and its role in football games.
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  • Birds Don't Play Percussion
    Penelope Parrot defies expectations and becomes the top drummer in the Jungle High marching band, inspiring others to pursue their dreams.
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