Marine Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Oceanography: Marine Biome
    An informative book about the marine biome, covering its location, weather, plants, animals, and human impact. Encourages conservation.
    by zee1
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  • Going To The Ocean
    A list of marine animals and elements of the ocean.
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  • SISTERS Saving the Reef of Maldives
    An inspirational book about friends traveling together on their dream vacation. They discover coral bleaching and feel impassioned to spread awareness of the impact of pollut…
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  • Shark Shock
    Four teenagers go on a fishing trip and encounter various sea creatures, including a tiger shark. They learn about marine life and conservation.
  • Marine fun!!!
    A child's fun-filled day at the beach, exploring the marine life and enjoying the salty water.
  • Friends Live Together
    Three friends who love marine biology move in together and have various adventures involving marine ecosystems and organisms.
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  • The Dangers of Marine Pollution
    Marine animals encounter and suffer from human litter in the ocean, highlighting the importance of not polluting.
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