Marine Life Books

  • ABC's of California's Tidepools
    Papa works at the aquarium and Mama used to work there so we love the ocean. We love to visit the tide pools especially when there is a king tide. We see so many cool animal…
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  • Iridis
    A short fish tale on helping others and protecting the environment featuring Iridis, the Longfin Anthias (Pseudanthias ventralis ventralis).

    The Longfin Anthias is …
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  • Shark Shock
    Four teenagers go on a fishing trip and encounter various sea creatures, including a tiger shark. They learn about marine life and conservation.
  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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    A brief introduction to different types of sharks, their characteristics, and behaviors.
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  • Pedro's Coral Reef Adventures
    This book was written and illustrated by students who participated in Smith College Coral Reef Ed-Ventures 2017 in San Pedro, Belize. This story follows a parrotfish named Pe…
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  • Marine Life
    Two fish, Salty Sam and Freddy Fresh, are separated by their different water environments. They come up with a plan to be together in a zoo.
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  • The Great Barrier Reef
    A visit to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, showcasing its diverse marine life and highlighting the importance of conservation.
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