Marine Reserves Books

  • Wallie's Big Adventure
    Wallie, a whale shark, embarks on a journey to find food and encounters various ocean creatures facing environmental challenges.
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  • Pedro's Coral Reef Adventures
    This book was written and illustrated by students who participated in Smith College Coral Reef Ed-Ventures 2017 in San Pedro, Belize. This story follows a parrotfish named Pe…
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  • Layah Explores the Island of Exuma
    This book describes the breathtaking island of Exuma in the Bahamas. Exuma is known for its beautiful beaches and the swimming pigs. Everyone should visit at least one island…
    The story is about the Green Project and marine reserves in Vendicari. It explains what marine reserves are, their purpose, and the activities allowed in them. It also discus…
  • ABC's of BELIZE
    This book provides an alphabetical overview of various locations in Belize, highlighting their significance and characteristics, from ancient ruins to modern towns.
  • eTwinning Project I Am The Tourism Ambassador Of My Country
    This story discusses the top tourist attractions in Jordan, including the Dead Sea, Karak Castle, Petra, Dana Biosphere Reserve, Wadi Rum, Ma'in Hot Springs, and the Marine B…
  • Causes of Declining Biodiversity
    The story discusses the causes of biodiversity decline and extinction, including habitat loss, invasive species, pollution, climate change, and overharvesting. It also mentio…
  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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